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The result consists of a brief description of your sleep status and highlight any areas of concern. Each result is individualized by the choices in the 24 items. The advice provided can be used as a starting point in improving sleep.

There are consecrated tools, such as the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) or the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), that offer information on sleep cycle, sleep quality, and the possible existence of one or more sleep disorders.

These are some examples of the recommendations included in the result:

■ Feeling tired during the day, despite getting enough hours of sleep, might suggest an underlying condition.

■ If you sleep less than 7 hours per night on a regular basis your tiredness and irritability might be caused by not getting enough sleep.

■ Waking up dehydrated might contribute to your overall feeling of tiredness.

■ Some breathing problems like asthma, sinusitis or polyps might prevent you from getting a good sleep.

■ Some drugs might affect your sleep so check the side effects.

Improving the quality of sleep

There are certain changes that can be made to improve the way you sleep and some of them may be easy to get on board with. Some of these first steps are:

■ Related to sleep cycle: Try to go to sleep and wake up around the same time every day or don’t spend too many nights awake on a regular basis.

■ Related to exercise: Go for a walk or some exercise before going to bed.

■ Related to stress management: Avoiding thinking about problems when you go to bed, try reflecting on the day or planning the next day before you go to sleep.

■ Related to sleeping conditions: Make sure you sleep in a dark and airy room at a comfortable temperature.

■ Miscellaneous: Refrain from spending too much time in bed during the day whether you are napping, reading, or doing work. Avoid beverages high in caffeine during the afternoon.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

ABOUT TMS DIRECTORY | TMS Directory is Connecting TMS Communities by connecting patients with a TMS therapy provider in their geographic region.  Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a leading-edge technology that gently uses magnetic waves to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. TMS is a non-invasive treatment most commonly used for the treatment of major depression but is often used to treat the symptoms associated with several other neuropsychiatric disorders.

TMS THERAPY | TMS therapy is a useful tool for treatment-resistant depression and other neuropsychiatric conditions in patients who have failed to respond to medication or other treatments, such as psychotherapy.

TMS HELPS | If you are someone who suffers from depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, or another condition, and you are seeking TMS therapy as a treatment option – TMS Directory can connect you with a licensed TMS physician or provider in your area who specializes in treating your condition with the most advanced forms of medicine.

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